Megan Warner signs professional women's soccer contract in Iceland

Babson Park, Fla. (08/14/2020) — After amassing 16 career goals, six assists, 38 points and four game-winning goals in two seasons as a Warrior, former Webber International University women's soccer player Megan Warner has announced that she has signed a professional women's soccer contract to play for UMF Sindri in Iceland.

Warner, who was honored as a part of the Academic All-America NAIA Women's Soccer First-Team as a senior in 2019, led the Warriors with nine goals, four assists, 22 points, and three game-winning goals. As a junior in 2018, Warner tallied seven goals, two assists and 16 points. She led the Warriors' women's soccer team in both goals scored and in total points during both of her years in Babson Park, Florida.

This past summer in 2020, Warner played for Unity FC of the UWS League 2, and is now the first ever player from that league to sign a professional contract.

"We are so excited for Megan to start the next chapter of her soccer career, and I think her new club just got a bunch of new fans from Florida," said Fallon. "I believe this shows what we are trying to build here at Webber, a program of excellence. The tough thing is this standard takes a while to implement, and those players that understand that do very well here and will grow as players. It is certainly a great day for both our program and even more importantly, for Megan. Congrats again, and let's go."

In addition to dominating on the soccer field, Warner also spent some time as a senior running for the Webber women's cross country team in the Fall and playing for the women's tennis team in the Spring.

Warner, who is a native of Watford, England, graduated this past spring (Class of 2020) from Webber with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, majoring in sport business management. She finished with a perfect 4.0 grade point average and made the Dean's List during each of her four semesters at Webber.

Megan has been playing soccer since she was five years old and has always had the goal of playing soccer in the United States and then ultimately playing professionally. Megan is a true example of the phrase that hard work pays off, and all of us at Webber International University could not be more proud of her. You are truly a Warrior. Congrats Megan.

We hope you enjoy our Q&A with Megan Warner below:

When did you start playing soccer and why is it important to you?

A: Football (aka. Soccer) has been a major part of my life. When I was little my parents put me into dance class, but I quickly realized this was not for me, and I asked to play football. Naturally my dad was thrilled at this and has helped me immensely, even setting up a girls' team for me to play on before I began academy football. I think the support from my family throughout my football/soccer journey is what allowed me to achieve my dreams of playing in America and eventually signing a professional contract. From taking me to practices, tryouts and games to training extra with me and filming my games, they were always there for me, pushing me and encouraging me every step of the way.

What are you most looking forward to about your opportunity to play professional soccer in Iceland?

A: I'm really excited to begin my professional journey in Iceland. It is a beautiful country and everyone seems really nice. I think it will be a great experience to learn about a new culture while playing the game I love. I believe this team will allow me to continue grow and develop as a player.

What were your goals at Webber?

A: My main goal at Webber and throughout my college career was always to be the best player I could be for my team. This meant putting in a lot of extra work, but I believe this mentality has allowed me to be where I am now. My second goal was to have a positive impact on my team. Soccer is a team sport and it is extremely important to ensure everyone is on the same page. When I was named team captain during the Fall of my junior year, my first year at Webber, it became very important to me to make a positive impact on my teammate's soccer journey as well as my own.

Is there anyone you would like to thank for helping you get to where you are today?

A: There are so many people who have helped me get to where I am now. I would first and foremost like to thank my family for all the support they have given me. I would also like to thank all of my coaches who have guided me and pushed me to become not only the player I am, but the person I am today. In particular, I would like to thank Coach Erik Casterline who really believed in me and helped me pursue my dream to play professional football. Finally, I would like to thank my agent, Michael, for working with me and helping me get this opportunity.

Do you have any favorite memories you from your time at Webber that you would like to share?

A: I had an incredible two years at Webber, making amazing memories and some lifelong friends. One of my favorite memories was my final game as a Warrior against St. Thomas University. We took them all the way to overtime. We had a tough season with many ups and downs, but during that final game, the whole team and coaching staff really pulled together, and I think it was by far our best game of the season. To compete with one of the top teams in our conference, we really proved how much heart we had and how far we had come as a team.

Could you share some advice for future Warriors?

A: My advice to future Warriors is to never give up and to never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything you want. It is an incredible opportunity to play a collegiate sport. Use every day as a chance to improve and enjoy the process.

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Megan Warner